Presidential Predictions 2012 Headline Animator

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nevada poll showing Angle up 50 to 39 simply can no be right remember RAS had Paul up by 25 post primary and all others and conv wisdom has him up only ~8 points...both Reid and Angle are prob around low 40s maybe slight bounce for Angle but no way is it 11 points

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

AL, CO, FL, IL, NC Updates

Tuesday (6/8/2010):
NC: PPP 6/5 601 Cunningham 35% Burr 46%; Marshall 39% Burr 46%
RAS 6/3 500 Cunningham 35% Burr 47%; Marshall 36% Burr 50%
Would like to see Burr's numbers lower, he's been hovering around 46% this whole cycle. I think Marshall would definitely be a better candidate for the Dems, although neither Dem can seem to break the 40% mark just yet. Right now this seat will probably stay GOP, but its early and Burr does not have strong support whatsoever, so its a long shot but could be a surprise win for Dems.
--> Remains Favored Republican with Burr over Cunningham +8.5% and Burr over Marshall +6.5%

AL: RAS 6/3 500 Barnes 31% Shelby 58%;
-->Safe Republican
Shelby over Barnes

Wednesday (6/9/2010):
FL: QUIN 6/4 1,133 Meek 17% Crist 37% Rubio 33%
RAS 6/7 500 Meek 15% Crist 37% Rubio 37%
Toss Up: Crist over Rubio +1.3

CO: RAS 6/7 500 Bennet 40% Norton 46%
Bennet 41% Buck 46%
Romanoff 42% Norton 43%
Romanoff 39% Buck 45%
--> Race shifts from Leans Democrat to Toss Up Bennet over Norton +.4%, Bennet over Buck +2.6%, Romanoff over Norton +2.0%, and Romanoff over Buck +.6%

IL: RAS 6/7 500 Giannoulias 39% Kirk 42%
--> Race shifts from Leans Republican to Toss Up Kirk over Giannoulias +2.0%

Monday, June 7, 2010

WA: Rest of a U of Washington poll, only 221 respondents from 5/24-5/28, high margin of error (+/- 6.6) Murray 39% Rossi 42%...against generic GOP 46% to 41%, likely to see this race settle to a margin closer to the latter than the former
OH: Rasmussen 6/3 500 people, Fisher (D) 43% Portman (R) 43%. This is good news for Fisher, he's keeping it close in a race that for some reason a lot of people seem to be writing off for the Dems. With this new poll he's probably about 2 points ahead given Rasmussen's highly GOP tilted house effects for this cycle. This has to be, either the first or second best pick up chance for the Dems this year, with Missouri in the other slot. (imo OH is first, then MO).
New projection numbers coming soon using new pollster ratings from, overall everything is pretty much the same slight variations bc of new ratings/inserting house effects, should give more accurate forecast

Sunday, June 6, 2010

CORRECTION: Anlgle leads Reid by 3 similar to last M-D poll...doesn't change my opinion much tho
NV poll from Mason Dixon shows Angle with almost 10 pt lead in the GOP general 625 people dates unsure shows Reid 44 Angle 41, Reid 42 Lowden 41, and Reid 39 Tarkanian 46...imo Tarkanian is def strongest candidate but seems GOP will nominate Angle and improve Dem hopes...still tossup but I say D +2-3 esp if Angle is candidate

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Iowa Race Ratings (6/5/2010)

Since my last post there have been a couple of polls that changed some of my predictions, not in a major way, but I just wanted to record what the most accurate picture currently is of some of the races. So here is my current take on Iowa.

As noted there have been 2 polls out of Iowa painting two different pictures. One (PPP) gives Republican Senator Chuck Grassley an edge of 57% to 31% over his Democratic challenger Roxanne Conlin. The other (R2K) gives Grassley the advantage by a much closer margin of 50% to 42%. Right now my formula has Conlin with about 37% and Grassley around 53%. Of the four polls which have been taken of this race Grassley overall is hovering around 50% and Conlin around 40%. As stated before Grassley definitely has the advantage here, but if Conlin can positively improve her name recognition and paint Grassley as a standard bearer of the GOP and the Party-of-No and bring his numbers down she might have a chance. Overall this race stays in the Likely Republican column right now.

Grassley 53.23% Conlin 36.72% R+16.5 (Greatly effected by what I consider to be a PPP outlier FYI without the PPP poll Grassley 50.3 Conlin 41.2 R+9.1)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wow another IA poll from R2K this time 800 people 6/1 shows Grassley at 50 and Conlin at 42, a very different result from the PPP poll...maybe it is a little more competitive than I thought overall given mixed polling seems still likely GOP
IN: Rasmussen poll 6/3 500 people Coats 47 Ellsworth 33...brings some hope for dems but still likely GOP doesn't look good but if Coats #s keep dropping Ellsworth is a good candidate
IA: PPP poll 5/26 1,277 people Grassley 57 Conlin 31...not good seems to be slipping back into GOP comfort zone moving toward safe

Race Ratings-Quick Edition

So I have been doing some polling analysis using my method from the 2008 election for the 2010 Senatorial election cycle in a variety of states with competitive and non competitive races. I just wanted to put some of my ratings out there. There won't be deep analysis just yet, maybe a line or two where needed to explain myself if you think I'm crazy. I hope to do an analysis of each race at different times throughout the next few weeks but here's my snapshot as of today June 4, 2010.

Safe Democrat: VT, MD, HI, NY-A (Schumer), NY-B (Gillibrand +24), OR (+13)
Very Likely Democrat: CT(Blumenthal +20)
Leans Democrat: CA (+6.5)
WA (+3)
WI (+2..but very little polling, and I don't quite trust it)
Toss-Up: CO (D+2.5)
NV (D+4.5..this is if Angle wins, if either other candidate wins it will be much closer but they're both about D+1)
OH (D+1.6)
PA (R+.5...this just switched back R after a RAS poll that was off base with others, right now i would rate this a tossup but give the edge to Sestak)
MO (R+1.2...just got a new poll showing this race super tight, still give edge to Reps though)
IL ( polling since the Kirk fumble-a-thon, so likely to change)
NC (R+1.5...this is with Elaine Marshall, she's in a run-off with Cal Cunningham, Cunningham right now gives this a R+5.3, could be a surprise pick up for Dems)
KY (R+8.1...inflated because of a RAS poll that was most definitely an outlier, should be closer, still give Rep an edge)
Leans Republican: NH (R+11.8...I can't believe Ayotte's numbers being this high in a state like NH I see this getting closer)
AR (R+15 with Halter, +23 with Boozman...very uphill for Dems but it is a Dem seat, hopefully Halter can pull one out)
FL (R+2 over Indy, R+16 over Dem...either way Rubio is stalling out, and Crist could caucus with the Dems after his nasty fight with GOPers in Florida and nationally, should be interesting)
Likely Republican: IA (R+10.7...should remain Republican but not a poll since early May when the Dem seemed to be making up ground)
IN (R+16.5...Bayh was the only shot Dems had in my opinion, this seat will most likely go back to GOP haven't seen a poll in awhile though)
LA (almost no polling, especially recently, Melancon hopes hadn't looked good though, but his recent public advocacy with regard to the oil spill may increase chances, have to wait to see)
Most Likely Republican: SC (R+19...should be solid for Republicans, but DeMint is under 50 and his radicalness might make this race closer, also the only poll shows most people do not know the Dem challenger)
AZ (R+29...very safe with McCain, but if Hayworth win he may have the same problem as DeMint, he is still up R+16)
Safe Republican: AL (R+25.5), GA (R+27), AK, ID, UT, SD, KS, OK, DE (Horrible to see this seat switch, would like to see a poll still), ND (Very sad to see Dorgan retire, and to lose this seat)

So...what would the Senate look like under this current forecast...Dems: 54 GOP: 46...Dems lose/GOP Gain: DE, ND, IN, AR, IL, PA...Dems Gain/GOP Lose: OH

Its still very early, and a lot can happen things are already swinging back toward the Democrats, Congressionally at least, so we'll see what happens. Hope you found this somewhat insightful.